A Christmas Message | Orthodox Conservatives Group
2022 Anno Domini has been a year of political, social and cultural upheaval. A year in which the British citizen has been buffeted by a host of hitherto unconsidered moral
questions, in which the ordinary person has been forced to reach deeper into their pockets than ever before in the collective memory of the past half a century. A year of
change; of the death of a beloved monarch and the passage of three prime ministers, of a slow march into organised chaos on a political level and social upheaval on a
cultural one. Yet there have been rays of hope interspersed in the landscape, proverbial rays of sun illuminating the green of the rolling hills of this fertile and pleasant
The overtures of royalty in the Platinum Jubilee, the last great moment in the historic reign of Queen Elizabeth II, a coming together of the nation in a shared rollercoaster
of emotions. With the passing of Her Majesty came another unique moment of common expression, as the nation stood still and reconsidered their patriotic foundation.
This Christmas we return to an annual grounding of that same patriotic message. The coming of the Divinity, upon which the Christian roots of Britain are founded. The
philosophical bedrock upon which every authentic civil liberty we the British people now enjoy rests, in the Manger at Bethlehem. The traditions of Christmas are numerous
and nowhere better expressed than in Britain. Perhaps the greatest tradition of all is the spirit of giving that spills out of every household and extends a warm bond of
human commonality with its neighbour for this season of the Christ child. In a year of differences and deliberations, this unifying period is an outstanding bond of
supernatural proportions. It is worth celebrating. It is worth upholding and cherishing. It is worth being outspokenly proud in defending. The event of the Mass of Christ
calls all upstanding British men and women to return to the basis of what it means to be part of the royal nation of the peoples of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern
Ireland. A commonality of community, of loyalty and of historical foundation.
Let this season truly be a season in which the wolf shall dwell with the lamb: and the leopard shall lie down with the kid: the calf and the lion, and the sheep shall abide
together, and a little child shall lead them. Let it be a respite from the cut and toss of issues and a true remembrance of family and friends, of renewal and a fresh
consideration of what it means to be a social conservative in this country. It is a source of pride, to dwell in a country that so fundamentally follows the charitable spirit of
Christmas. It is a reason to keep fighting in the year ahead.
From all of the team at the Orthodox Conservatives Group, a very merry Christmas and a fruitful New Year ahead.
Adoration Des Bergers ~ Georges de La Tour c1644