Oikophilia and The Problem of Plastic | Eric Tippin
“In most middle-class homes, plastic and kitsch collude in the lies we tell ourselves about our real economic situation and what home looks like…”

Prestige Projects: The Road to National Revival? | Jacob Atkinson
“Decades of short-sighted economic and social policy have combined to reveal the inherent structural weaknesses that must be urgently addressed if Britain is to be regarded as a serious country once again and to remain at the rank of a first-world economy.…”

Nations are not compatible with multiculturalism | Zak Mudie
The modern concept of nationhood is a waning mix of various traditions all being eroded by various factions whose interactions supersede nationhood. It is truly worrying that, at an alarming rate, nationality is becoming a word on a passport, rather than a substance of meaning.
Nationality is much more than a term in which metaphysical formation exists as a foundation for modern government.
The reduction of the nation is a vicious cycle comprised of immigration resulting in the watering down of native populations and native culture, which in turn promotes more immigration.